Learning to Say No & When You Don't Owe Explanations

Learning to Say No & When You Don't Owe Explanations

As someone with anxiety and an inherent need to not have people mad at me, saying 'no' has always been difficult and over-explaining my actions became as second nature as breathing. If a manager wanted to know if I could take on extra tasks, I would say yes and over-commit even if my bandwidth was actually full. I was afraid to refuse and this often let to me feeling quite burnt out or overworked.

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Going On the Keto Diet

Going On the Keto Diet

As someone who loves pasta and bagels and is Italian-American and grew up on the Standard American, carb-heavy diet, attempting a low-carb, ketogenic diet seems like quite the hurdle. But I did dabble with really trying to be better at it in 2017, though for various reasons my approach was on again-off again and while I overall lost about 11 pounds, it wasn't where I wanted to be and some of that was on me and not being consistent.

So this year, for 2018, one of my goals was to improve my overall health and that includes my weight and diet and overall general wellness. I've noticed the older I get the more bloated and sluggish I feel after large, carb-heavy meals and since I didn't want to spend every day in digestive discomfort and actually make progress in losing weight, I need to better commit to keeping calm and keto on.

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New Year, Crummy Health

Happy New Year, everyone!

Now that the dumpster fire that was 2016 is over, let's hope 2017 is the redemption arc year. Anyway, I've been pretty quiet here because I travelled back east for the holidays where I promptly got sick on Christmas Eve and have been since. I may possibly have pneumonia at this point, but worry not, going to doctor later today. Oh, and I also was recently diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, which explains the past 20 years of insomnia issues I've had. :/

Anyway, given my health decided to kick off the new year with a sad trombone, I'm going to take some more down time and a blog break to get better and also think about the creative direction for Roaming Holiday going into 2017.

It's clear I really need to work on my blog photography, and I think I need to re-evaluate content as a whole as well and figure out more ways to have unique, engaging content that doesn't feel bog standard and generic. 

So I suppose my resolutions, in the immediate, get my health in order and do some creative content soul-searching.

I hope you're all doing well and have a lot of great things planned this year! What resolutions have you made for 2017? Let's talk in the comments!

Revising Me Week 2: Walking The Walk

Revising Me Week 2: Walking The Walk

Week of this whole Revising Me project is coming to a close and this week was trying to establish patterns, stick to eating goals, and several attempts to not get frustrated.

I tried to be good and have a salad for lunch Mon-Fri, but I got to about Tues before I needed to mix it up. For the most part breakfast was same: a low-carb protein bar that's high fiber from Costco and some hard boiled eggs. Aside from Friday, I mostly made or brought in all my lunches from home, which is actually quite a feat for me when it comes to the work week. 

But, I have quite a few mental hurdles to overcome, it seems.

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Revising Me - Week 1

Revising Me - Week 1

I haven't talked about it much here but I've decided to be candid: I need a change, specifically my weight. This isn't a new revelation, but early on in our Disney World trip in a group photo it was there staring me in the face. I've gotten big, bigger than I've ever been, and for someone who is only 5'1" it's utterly not ideal.

To be clear- if you're happy with your size, thin, thick or anywhere in between, that's awesome! You are happy with you and that's what matters. In my case, I'm not happy with me in this regard.

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